
BANANA MONOLOGUES at the Acorn Theatre

How many writers does it take to write a foul-mouthed, ridiculous, adolescent, put-down, one person show?  In this case it took three --- John Brennan, Jason Cooper, and Mary Cimino.  They obviously feel they have created a valid theatre piece, and have enlisted director Debra Whitfield to stage their egotistical diatribe.

A young, frustrated male is talking to and about his penis --- the banana of the title --- (and his alter ego named Sgt. Johnson).  This makes for juvenile laughs for some of the audience, but vulgarity and silliness is not enough to build a show on.

Brennan, the solo performer, tells his saga of his found/lost/found/lost  love affair with a puerile relish and a veneer of "listen to how clever I am".  This tasteless performance belongs in a bad wet dream, not on a stage.