
A STEADY RAIN at the Schoenfeld Theatre

(Seen 10/1/09)

Film stars have not always fared well on Broadway. Their celebrity has brought fans to the theatre, but not necessarily any critical accolades. In fact, movie superstars have often been the targets of some reviewers.

Daniel Craig and Hugh Jackman are now delivering two of the finest performances on Broadway --- they have set a high standard for the season, which will be filled with film stars as this new season progresses.

They are in a new play by Keith Huff, directed by John Crowley, which leaves a lot be desired as for character, plot, and development. But it provides a very viable vehicle for the tremendous talents of its two-person cast. It allows them to inhabit a wide range of emotions and a meaningful physical life.

It is quite apparent that their superficial filmic adventures have not blunted the theatre acumen and stage presence of these two actors.