
THE  RIVER  at  Circle-In-The-Square Theatre

(Seen November 2, 2014)

Jez Butterworth's new play is a vehicle for the Broadway return of Hugh Jackman in a non-musical role.  But despite Jackman's reliable work, it is a tedious, and at times, vague play.

The story unfolds intermingling present and past, as Jackman's character is searching for real love.  It's a confused journey, taking place in a cabin on a river where he loves to fish.

His current and past love co-inhabit the search, and their inter-actions are often unclear.  And the constant talk about fishing --- his real love ---overshadows everything else!

Unlike Butterworth's last Broadway show, JERUSALEM --- which served as a vehicles for Mark Rylance --- this comes across as an unbelievable and unfulfilling work.